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My name is Jenifer Frawley, and I am a Certified High Conflict Divorce Coach.  I was certified through the High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program, developed and lead by Tina Swithin of One Mom’s Battle.  I am also a survivor of domestic violence, and spent three years in family court with my abuser.  My experience dealing with a high conflict personality forced me to learn about post separation abuse, QUICKLY.  When Tina Swithin with One Mom’s Battle announced her High Conflict Divorce Coach Program, it became an easy “yes”.  I went through Tina's very first course, and I was chosen out of more than 1,000 applicants to become certified.  This was the best way to take the hardest thing that has ever happened to me and turn it into a positive.  I am passionate about helping to empower other women to speak their truth, seek justice, and fight for their children’s rights.  I specialize in documentation, communication with your ex, learning to parallel parent, help prepare you for the important milestones in your journey, and help strategize to reach your best outcome.

About Jenifer


My mission is simple; to use my experience with my abuser in the the Family Court System to help educate, support, and motivate other women who will go through a similar journey.  How can I help you?  

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